Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Relationship Ghost

I guess now would be a better time than ever to write a blog post about the relationship ghost. I'm feeling particularly thoughtful right now.
The relationship ghost. What is it? Those lingering thoughts that run through your mind as you drive past your ex's neighborhood. The what ifs, everytime you see that persons name pop up on msn/facebook/twitter. The flutter in your stomach when you so much as glance at him/her.
Frankly, I'd like to take a knife and stab your relationship ghost for you, right here right now.
Most people have been through this before. Loved and lost. Therefore everyone who has done so would have a relationship ghost, like extra baggage, weighing them down in the next relationship.
Some more so than others, and some so MUCH that the memories they still hold in past relationships come to rape the next relationship up the ass.
So how much does YOUR relationship ghost affect you? WHY? Is it because you still genuinely have feelings for that person who left you brokenhearted? Or did you make a mistake letting them go?
Do we ever really forget the relationship ghost and give up all the memories tangled up in the messy crap that we call a break up?
Ofcourse, its hard to really ever forget your ex, especially with facebook updating you on every part of their life. Oh, it doesn't make it easier if your ex is one of those "look, I just uploaded photo of the lunch I ate today" kind of people. Technology, what have you done to us? haha.
But in all seriousness. Being held back to that extent by the ghost of past relationships really does not help your situation AT ALL. Sure, remember how you guys used to be, the time you spent together. Reminisce all the happy days you had with them. But after you do that, learn to MOVE ON.
There is only so much sulking you can do, only so much you can hold on to.
Why let the relationship ghost cause problems for your future relationships?
This person you have right now, the one sticking with you through all your bullshit.. Why screw that up.

Ok, well THAT was a post that I hadn't planned to rant on about.. guess it just happened. Guess I'm being way too 'thoughtful' right now. To be honest I just came back from having a couple drinks with friends. THAT might be the problem here. oh yes. ANYWHO I'm all pooped out. nighty night, youngin's. and REMEMBER.
The relationship ghost is a bitch.

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