Friday, May 11, 2018


Told my boss and staff that I'm going to be leaving. Finally. haha I had been holding onto it for the longest time because I was so scared of disappointing or upsetting them.
I know it's always a challenge to find a dentist to come all the way to Port Augusta, and one that can mesh well with the team. But hey, life goes on, I need to move on to the next stage :)

Will give my official 4 weeks notice when I am more certain on a date. I think we will see how the job hunt goes. Applied for a couple positions this week, and I think I will try and get two part time jobs this time. Full time was good but I want to incorporate some variation I reckon. Its quite common for dentists in town to have a few different jobs and I think its a great idea. It gives me abit of a buffer if I turn out not to mesh with one clinic not to be stuck there all week! haha..
Well, wish me luck with the job hunt! Everythings happening now! So exciting.

Tomorrow night catching up with my highschool group of girlfriends, it has been way too long. I haven't seen them for.. many months :(
I guess thats what happens as people grow up and grow apart. But hopefully there will be a day where we become closer again. Maybe when I move back I'll try to make more of an effort to catch up with them.. after all they were a huge part of my life growing up! Its been hard organizing catchups when I'm only in Adelaide less than 2 days a week.
I say that but really I should have made more time for them. Sad.

Happy Friday everyone :) Cherish your friendships!

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