Guys just for your information I have a pimple on my cheek so big that I don't even need a mirror to see it. I can see it just by looking down. Its right there looking back up at me. I bet its laughing at me.
Last post of the year I suppose!
What did I do today, on the last day of the year, you say?
Spent time with people I love ofcourse, as cheesy as it might be.
Cliche Yes, but the year really has gone by extraordinarily fast. It was an eventful year, but I almost don't remember what happened, and no I was not drunk the whole time. haha. I guess its just lucky I keep a blog to remind myself of this years events, and one day when its 2025 and I'm 32, I'll want to remember everything that happened, the good, and the not so good.
2012 was a big year, I remember being at my all time low, but also at one point feeling on top of the world. All in the same year? I think that's quuite an achievement, ladies and gentlemen! Seems like only yesterday I was freaking out about it being 2012, making my new years resolutions on the plane from KL to Adelaide.
I think its great that people make new years resolutions, you know, to try and make themselves a better person, get fit, lose 5kgs, eat well, stop drinking etc etc.. But then I think, why do I wait til new years to make these goals? It just sets me up for more-than-likely disappointment if I bomb out a couple months into the new year. Then I'll say to myself- thats ok, I'll just try again.. NEXT YEAR. I would know. I do it every year. haha sheit. So I guess what I should be doing is making small goals all the time, instead of just making one big new years resolution list.
All I can say for the coming 2013 is..
I will learn to put myself and my studies first (cause I'm worth it, thank you L'Oreal)
I will try not to be such a pushover
Peanut butter will not be eaten straight from the jar anymore
I think these goals are fairly reasonable... right? Small goals. But still goals nonetheless. And I will continue making goals as the year progresses. Happy face.
What about you people, what goals do you want to achieve?
Aaaanyways have a great New years eve.
Happy new year everyone.
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