I just want to fist-bump your head! Yeh. Thats right.
Sigh.. I've noticed that my blogs have been.. pretty emo lately. Always complaining about crap that is probably really unimportant to you guys out there. But I can't help it. Sometimes shit happens, one problem after the other. So yeh, the happy parts will come soon enough.. I've noticed that my other friends who blog have also started going all emo on me D: That is not a good sign :\ But again, I'm sure they'll have some happy things to blog about in the future :D Lifes not all about fun-ness.
So my friends and my brother have been giving advice to me about what to do with these so-called problems that I have, and really I don't know what to do. I mean do I follow them or..?
Speaking of advice, don't you hate when people ask you for advice, and then don't even take them into consideration? Its like, why ask if you've already made up your mind?
Anywho, all this advice is making my head explode. So many what ifs.
For A-grade, I'm going to have to play singles.. Damn it. This body was not made for singles. LOL Just saying. Not that I'm asthmatic, but I'm bringing my puffer along to my games so that people will be like " aw, shes asthmatic, I'll go easy on her." ;) yeh man. Thats what I call deception.
Oh well.. I guess it'll train me up for u19s, so I don't fail too bad at nationals! More practice! And you know what they say about practice. Practice. Makes perfect. So I'll be perfect.
Perfect for mixed doubles... >:)