Sunday, January 16, 2011


Just a super quick update;
I have never really truely thought a lot about my future, But the future really does look good.
When I went to the SATAC website to see my offers, my heart was beating so fast, it felt so weird!!
Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
Thats what I'll be doing this year. I MADE IT!
I actually cried abit when i saw that I got in.
Throughout the year i was contemplating either Med or dent, after all the research that I did for the interviews, both seemed really awesome.
Dent i rekon will actually be better, finish in 5 years and get into practice straight away, better lifestyle. I could start a family and have time for them (: So without much thought I accepted the offer and declined any second round offers.
The last few times I walked past Adelaide uni, i was really excited. I'm excited about studying there, i really am!!! :D
Can't wait to 'make the world smile', LOL!!

Also, so proud of all my friends, all the hard work has paid off! Congrats!!


  1. Congrats! If you haven't done so already, you can meet some of your fellow dent 1st years at the following link: Adelaide BDS Rollcall
