Recently there was an incident that happened very close to home, to someone I know.
She was jogging along a path at around 5:30pm (broad daylight at this time) on the Sunday just passed, and got attacked by a male. Lucky she managed to get away, with minor injuries and bruises.. Apparently his intent was to rape.
Now the suspect was caught later on that evening by the police, and the scariest things to me is the age of the perp. Sixteen.
SIXTEEN. I wonder what I even did at that age.. Still floating in the clouds and I dunno.. having fun at school.
To think at 16 you could have such a crazed and twisted mind. Scary. He was also an Aboriginal boy, but thats neither here nor there.. It is what you make of it.
When I heard I felt sick to my stomach and just couldn't shake that feeling all day. I wonder shes feeling.. I can't even imagine :/ I think she's stopped leaving the house and even when shes home she has to have someone at home with her.. Poor thing.
If it were me I wouldn't be able to leave the house alone again, and would definitely not go running alone ever. I would probably leave Port Augusta too.
So i decided not to tell my parents, because thats probably exactly what they'll make me do.
I don't think they've ever been 100% comfortable with me being so 'far' from home, where if something were to happen they would be quite helpless. If they heard about this they wouldn't be able to sleep at night..
I will just keep to jogging down the jetty where there are plenty of people and definitely be on alert at all times. I won't pretend it hasn't affected the way I feel about this place haha cause it has..
You never think it will happen to you until it does.
Shit happens, wrong place wrong time.. Bad things happen everywhere, its not just because we're in Port Augusta. Yeah you've all heard rumors about this place being a hole, deros and delinquents all over the street but its really not like that.
I guess you just have to try your best to make sure you avoid putting yourself in that kind of position.
Always run where there are people, don't go near bushes, keep your music down or don't wear headphones.. Be alert :/
Stay safe people ♥