Wednesday, April 20, 2016


My 7th week working here and boy, time has gone by so damn quick. Its gone by so quickly and yet I feel like I've worked here for a long while already. The staff and I have bonded so well and I've gotten along well with most patients (all the non-crazies). Hahah.. but seriously. Some of them be crazy. And it really does ruin the day. Especially if it happens first up in the morning, then its hard to re-focus and learn to just concentrate on the task at hand.
My housemate had one of those bad days where she just had a few too many difficult patients and cases. Came home pretty down. What to do? Took her out for maccas icecream lol. That's pretty much what I do to cheer up. Or a bag of chips. Or chocolate.
Thankfully I haven't had to do that in a long while. Not since Whyalla days haha..
I think its because of my epic dental nurses. If I feel down about some patient or unsure of whether what I did was the 'right' thing to do, they always say the right thing to cheer me up or reassure myself. The best. And thats why I love it here :) Having good support staff make work ten kajillion times more pleasant!

Changed up my routine a bit the last week.
Started going to the gym in the morning before work, instead of afterwork. Reason being I've missed way too many sessions after work, because by the time 5:30 rolls around, I'm ready to just pass out in bed.
Its always 'I'm too tired', 'this day was too hard', 'its getting too dark', 'I'll go tomorrow', 'I need to do my laundry', 'I need to cook dinner'. And then I don't go. And then much sad feels after.
So I've been waking up early, training at the gym and then eating breakfast at work before patients come in. So far, its been great :) 
I can't believe I actually wake up these days. Sleeping early really does make all the difference. And exercise in the morning really does energise you. I used to think it was all made up BS that people say to make you wake up earlier to exercise. But it really is great. 
Plus, the thought of not having to drag myself there after work is so wonderful throughout the day ahha.. Double thumbs up!
I hope I can keep it up, I'll do my best not to get lazy.

Ooo, fun bit of news. A couple of our friends, Simon, my brother and I are all going to Japan in October for 12 days :D SUPER EXCITED.
It was a VERY spontaneous decision. We saw the cheap tickets and sort of just said... screw it, lets do it. And where else better to go!? Simon hasn't been overseas in YEARS, and has never actually travelled. He's been back to HongKong but just for family stuff. And even then hes never really done the tourist-type activities.
I'm so excited, if you can't gauge that already ahha. Our first trip together! Albeit not alone, but still! I can't think of better people to go with either. My brother is going to be buckets of fun, and Chris and thong are very chilled people, yet quite organised. 
I'm all for relaxing and chilling and waking up at 12pm, but if you have the opportunity to be in ANOTHER COUNTRY and there are a buttload of fun things to do, hell no I'm not going to waste my time sleeping.
I wouldn't be able to stand a holiday with no itinerary. Gonna make sure we plan everything! So much to do! So much to seeeeee.
I've been to Japan before but with family, and when I was still a vegetarian. The food and alcohol is a big part of my excitement, not going to lie. haha..
Already made a large list of what I want to do. Thinking about it is just getting me waaaaaay to pumped up. Still got 6 months to go. Calm the farm Juniper. haha..

Aaaanywhose. Yet another public holiday coming up next Monday, so definitely going back to Adelaide. Also badminton tournament on this week and next week. Busy busy :)
I feel like even though I haven't been playing much over here, my baddy skills have definitely gone up. Maybe because of the gym? Or maybe it was a good night. Hahah Can't wait for the tournament to see whether I've improved or not.

Couple more days until the weekend. Leggooooo people!

Monday, April 11, 2016


Had a weekend in Melbourne to attend the Young Dental Conference. My first conference! It was.. very informative to say the least haha which means i was predominantely bored out of my brains haha.
A few of the speakers were really good and i learned heaps of good tips, but most of them just spoke about topics we were already pretty well versed with, just trying to refresh our memory. Which i guess is a good thing for us to be doing anyways as new graduates. Fresh off the boat. The boat of life. Hahah what even.
Melbourne .. I cant seem to make up my mind about how I feel about the city. Its overwhelming at how big it is in comparison to Adelaide. Sure its epic for shopping but I dont reckon i would ever consider moving here. Its just way too big, bustling and .. unfriendly. They always tell me that Adelaide people are much friendlier than any other city and i didnt believe it til now. I guess im just used to people in Adelaide.
You can probably tell that the country lifestyle is getting to me haha. So accustomed to peace and quiet.. :)

Currently watching the Aus championship swimming comp on tv hahah.. much fit, many abs.. what can I say.
..wish I could swim properly. Super jelly.
No legit, I look like a jellyfish when I breaststroke hahaha.. oh the shame.

Enjoy a good week, work hard!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Travellers blog

I totally thought I'd be blogging more now that I'm working away from home..
But by the time I come home everyday after work I just want to sit infront of the TV and do nothing. Haha.. Super enjoying work by the way, which is great cause it needs to be worth the distance.
Distance from my family and from Simon has been actually a good thing.
I thought I would be so lost without them constantly around in my life, but they are very much with me in different ways.
Parents call very often, Simon gives me a play by play of his life by text on my request ahhaha.
Distance really does make the heart grow fonder. By the time I see them again on the weekend, I truly appreciate and enjoy their company. As opposed to before when I would finish work and still need to find energy and patience to deal with family, which was very hard sometimes after a long day..

The thing I find annoying- and I've said this to both Simon and Rosemay a few times- is having to justify or convince people that my decision was the right one.
People hear that I'm in Port Augusta now and they immediately screw up their face and make a super grossed-out expression. You know the expression. One person couldn't even PRETEND to be happy for me, and just said " Really? But why would you ever want to go there?".
I find it so rude that they don't give it a second thought, and don't consider that for me it was a huge decision to make.
I really don't like how people jump to the conclusion that Port Augusta is super dero and bogan. Sure, there are quite a few aboriginal people here and people arn't as well off as those in the city, but what do you expect from any sort of country town?
They don't stop to think about what a great opportunity it is to work in the country or what life experiences I'll be having, or the good income it will bring. Narrow minded.
Mind you, I used to think like that too. I never thought I would head out regional. But by taking the chance and just going for it, I wouldn't ever regret coming here. I reckon I'll be here a while guys. :P
Now when people im not close to ask how it is living in port augusta and scoff at how bogan it is I just nod my head and agree lol. Cannot possibly give more of a damn.

After work tomorrow I'll be driving back to Adelaide, and then flying to Melbourne for the Young Dental Conference. Pretty excited because ladies and gentlemen, I'll be flying solo for the first time.
Jun travelling alone? Who would have ever imagined haha.. And yea its just to Melbourne and pretty sure just about everyone has travelled alone before...but I'm super excited.
I see people at the airport travelling by themselves and always think about how cool and independent they are. Deep down inside I'm still a little kid who has never gone solo.

Spending the night with my brother who lives and works in Melbourne now, then spending a night with dental friends at an AirBNB accommodation.
Excite! Havent seen Zhen Ti in what feels like the longest time. Super grateful that he can pick me up and take me to the airport too, cause i would have noooo idea. Haha.. alrighty i better get off my bed and start packing!

♡Happy hump day peoples.