That guilt that I felt each passing day that I didn't go.. No more of that! Hahah.. Why have a membership if you never go, Jun? tsk tsk.
Oh wells. Went to Sunday training yesterday and then this morning went for a run.. just because. Thankful for such chilled out Mondays. All Mondays should be like today. Wake up for morning run, eat some epic meal time, go shop for abit and run errands.. lectures at 2.. spend the night with my loved ones.. ;D more like loved one. Cause there be only one. Apart from family. But you know what I meannn.
Hopefully since the weathers getting better I can start running more often. Absolutely killed my legs though. Calves, thighs, butt.. everything.
Walking up the stairs is slow. But walking down the stairs-- that is something else. Jeebus. So much effort and focus to make sure my legs don't buckle and collapse under the weight. HAHA. Like carrying a whale.
It's been forever since I've done that much exercise- training yesterday kicked my freaking ass.
HAHA A good thing I guess, then maybe I won't be so bad at singles.
I knew my badminton was getting worse, just because of the zero effort put into it.
For now I'll try to get my fitness up, so I won't fail so much, and maybe badminton will be fun again.
Always still itching to pick up a racket and have a hit.
Its quite depressing though, I have to say. Being in the middle of training and having to stop between drills to catch my breath.. Running for 10 minutes and needing to slow down and walk abit. I used to be able to smash out training sessions and run 12kms without stopping. Definitely let myself slip, without even really realising it.
Time to get my shit together and put abit more effort into it.
Completely irrelevant to topic- my hair is finally growing out. Maybe I'll stop cutting it for abit. lol but if you know me, my impatience will get the better of me, and out come the scissors.